If you own a hermit crab, you should read "what eat hermit crabs?" on Animal Trove. According to the article, hermit crabs can have blueberries occasionally as a treat even if they aren't a normal part of their diet. The nutritional value of blueberries for hermit crabs, including their high antioxidant content and low sugar levels, is discussed in length. Preparing blueberries for hermit crabs, such as removing the seeds or chopping the fruit into smaller pieces, is also covered.
If you own a hermit crab, you should read "what eat hermit crabs?" on Animal Trove. According to the article, hermit crabs can have blueberries occasionally as a treat even if they aren't a normal part of their diet. The nutritional value of blueberries for hermit crabs, including their high antioxidant content and low sugar levels, is discussed in length. Preparing blueberries for hermit crabs, such as removing the seeds or chopping the fruit into smaller pieces, is also covered.