Redemption In Law Cracking The Code
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Kelly was probably aware of the fact that he was engaging in a modern-day version of the old lawless frontier: pre-modern states were often weak and the state of law was an unknown concept. So he picked out a group of people who had no access to courts or lawyers, and told them to go to them instead. In prison, and perhaps among the lower socioeconomic classes more generally, persons might not have much access to lawyers.
Based on the recent surge of attention, it seems as if redemption is catching on. How quickly the scheme will spread is anyone's guess, but what is certain is that the Patriot movement and its Liberty Movement neighbors will keep handing out cash prizes to those who successfully crack the scheme and get their names off the government's books.
For the UCC to work, of course, the government has to be certain it has a case. And to that end, the government is holding a series of stakeouts to film suspects as they enter the redemption booths.
The scheme is probably best viewed as a boon to the antigovernment and anti-government conspiracy theorists who are already enjoying a resurgence. Redemptions are a way of getting your name off the books without having to embarrass yourself by declaring yourself a taxpayer, which is what some, like Freeman, are already doing. It's a victory for all of us who have already been convinced by the same conspiracy theories.
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